What I've been reading..

I love to read. I love to watch movies too. I also love to find spiritual themes in all forms of art, whether it's movies, books, or music. In art, just like life, if you stop and take a deeper look past what your eyes can see, you'll find there's something deeper going on. Could God use Hollywood to speak to us on the deeper issues of life? The people at Hollywood Jesus think so. They have 2 books out that contain their reviews for years 2003 - 2004, and 2004 - 2005. But wait! These aren't just stupid movie reviews that you get from the newspaper or on TV. They look deeper into the film and write about spiritual themes found in the movie, whether intentionally put there or not. If you read these, be prepared to be challenged to think "out of the box". I found these to be great books to engage the culture we live in, and to make movie watching more than just killing a few hours. Maybe you'll even notice Jesus is in the theaters too.

Please note. If you're really uptight and think Hollywood is an evil machine that should be avoided at all costs, then these books are not for you. But if you like to be challenged to see things outside of your comfort zone, then check these out.

Hollywood Jesus Reviews 2003-2004
Hollywood Jesus Reviews 2004-2005

1 comment:

AMica paIge said...

are you talking strictly to christians or the rest of the movie-loving human race? if it's the latter you're addressing, they probably won't even give these books a second glance because of jesus' name on the title. then again, these books would probably fit in an urban outfitter where they sell all sorts of spiritual stuff, including jesus shirts and figurines. if the publishers of these books want to reach mainstream, they might want to meet with the outfitter's owners. just a thought.