The Crane Wife

The Decemberists
"The Crane Wife"

The Decemberists' sound is very avant-garde, which makes their album The Crane Wife interesting to listen to. They're kind of difficult to describe. Think of them as R.E.M. combined with Death Cab for Cutie, with a vocalist singing like he's straight from Ireland. Behind his vocals, the band provides a background sound with elements of funk, alternative, and folk to create songs that put them in a category of their own. The lyrics transport you to the Civil War era, with themes covering revenge, crime, murder, and war, highlighting how nasty it is during wartime. Listening to this album makes you feel like you're at the front row of a Civil War play. As I listen to the themes in the songs, it reminds me of how tragic war is, and the cycle of revenge and violence that goes on and on. Overall, this is an edgy and smart album that mixes Tarantino-esque lyrics with a unique sound.


(me)shach said...

How have I seen your comments on my blog like a dozen times and NOT read your blog? Keep up the good work!

- Meshach

Society's Elite said...

thanks man. it's nice to see a comment from the "mayor" himself.. hahaha...

peace bro...