Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (DVD)

I love how people get pissed off when it comes to movies. Speaking of pissing people off, George Lucas seems to be an expert at it. If it’s not Star Wars, then it’s Indiana Jones that someone is screaming about. I keep hearing how bad the latest Indy film is, how farfetched it is… blah, blah, blah. Newsflash people: Indiana Jones is SUPPOSED to be farfetched! If you’re looking for a blockbuster film filled with loads of action, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull won’t let you down. The theme is basically the same as the others. Indiana Jones gets recruited for a mission to find an ancient relic that can potentially give an evil army unlimited power. Before, it was the Nazis. This time, it’s the Communists. And the ancient relic? That would be the mysterious crystal skull. I think it’s awesome what the “crystal skull” turned out to be. Indy has aged quite a bit, but he can still crack that whip! As he’s proven in all the other films, the bad dudes still can’t stop him. As expected, the special effects were amazing. When you have George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg working together, would you expect anything less? The DVD is out now and I recommend checking it out. The 2-disc special edition is loaded with special features, including one called “Production Diary: Making Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull". The feature takes you from New Mexico to New Haven as you follow the crew filming the movie. All the interviews thrown in with Lucas and Spielberg on this feature will have your head swelling with knowledge on the making of this latest Indy film.

And don’t listen to what the haters say. Just watch this one and make your own conclusions...


Unknown said...

But you have to admit. The Southpark season premiere regarding this movie was over-the-top hilarious!

Anonymous said...

You're one of the few people out there who write without pretense. It's always fun to drop by your site. Keep it going.