Grace (Eventually)

Anne Lamott
Grace (Eventually)

And I was wondering when she would put out a new book. Well, she recently did. Anne Lamott's latest book is called Grace (Eventually). It's written in the same style that anyone who's ever read Anne's books (i.e. Traveling Mercies) are used to. This time around, the edgy stories of her past that was laced with coke binges and getting sloshed are replaced with what's going on with her now, and how she wrestles with her life and faith. She still is as transparent as someone who puts their thoughts on paper can be. In her honest and lighthearted style of writing, she still can take a situation in life that seems hopeless, and remind us that there's a light among the darkness. Her son Sam is still a central figure and inspiration in this one, along with some other new characters and scenarios that she gets caught up in. Theres the guy who cheated her out of money at a carpet store, a friend who has cancer that just wants to die already, and her ongoing problems with the Bush administration. I wonder what she'll write about when Bush leaves office, because her beef with the current administration makes for some good writing material! Anne's writing is unique because she always exposes the good, the bad, and the ugly in her life without any pretense. And that's inspiring because you see someone who’s finding freedom by being open about herself and her need for grace. And in our own lives, it's good to be reminded that grace is there for us too.

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