The Hipster Handbook

The Hipster Handbook
Robert Lanham

And I thought they only existed in NYC. That was until I moved to Washington DC and started hanging out in Georgetown. They were there too. And almost every other major city I visited, they were there. Shit, even if you don't live in the city, but have an Urban Outfitters near you, there's a chance that you'll come in contact with them. So who exactly am I talking about? Hipsters. And since they seem to be dwelling in all different corners of the world, what better way to understand them then by reading The Hipster Handbook! 3 words come to mind after finishing this book: funny as hell. Just as field guides can help you navigate through the wilderness and identify different animals and plants, The Hipster Handbook will have you identifying the different types of hipsters that exist. You'll be able to identify in less than 5 seconds if a hipster that you encountered is a WASH, a UTF, a Clubber, or a Loner. You'll be able to hold a conversation using hipster lingo without actually being one. And, you'll have the inside scoop on what is deck (cool) and what is fin (not cool). Haha...

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