Movies like this make you remember that life could be a lot worse. Be thankful you never went through this kind of hell. When you're hunted by Nazis, it takes a lot of balls to never give up and keep fighting for your people. Defiance is based on the real life story of a group of war refugees that fought against the Nazis that were trying to kill them. Led by brothers (Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber) that used to be farmers, they tough it out by hiding in the forest amidst harsh weather and extreme hopelessness. This film is filled with tons of action and some very strong performances, especially by Craig and Schreiber. There are some really intense fighting scenes here as well as some of the most dramatic scenes I’ve seen in a while. It took some time after the movie started to kick in for me. But once it did, I was hooked until the very end. The DVD is out now, and I must say it is one of the best that has been released in the past few months. Overall, Defiance is one hell of a film.

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